Saturday, July 21, 2007

Angel Kisses Graphics was made as a place to post personal graphic art & photoshop peices. The artwork posted is done for the enjoyment of myself, my family, and friends, as well as other members of the international adoption community.
...about the in. adopt. thing...yes, most of the work features my youngest sister, Sarah Evangeline Lu Hua, who was adopted from China in December of 2006. To learn more about her & her story, check out my sister Staci's blog, Journey2Sarah ;) <3

This is not a commercial blog, and I am not seeking to sell anything, nor make a profit in any way.

All graphics were made using Adobe Photoshop 7.

That all said, I would like to thank the many other talented artists and photoshoppers who make projects like this possible!

RESOURCES for Angel Kisses include:

TEXTURES by.....
Hybrid Genesis
& myself ;P

BRUSHES by.....
Oh Paintbrush
Misprinted Type
Adobe Photoshop default brushes
& myself ;P

Misprinted Type
Da Font

(I sincerely hope I haven't left anyone out!!!
If I have, let me know & I will fix it asap.)


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Angel Kisses Graphics

My Photo
Location: United States

Pre-Law College student studying Communications & Bioethics, pastor's daughter, sister of newly adopted Sarah Lu (of the Journey2SarahLu blogspot), & part-time artist ;)

Sarah's Story (24 min)
Six Month Gotcha
At the Zoo with Sarah Evie Lu

Layout design by mela
Header & Graphics by aletheia
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